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What To Expect


The first consultation usually lasts 1,5-2 hours. In the first section of this, we talk about why you have come, what you want to achieve, your aims, goals, expectations and your medical history. In the second section, I give you a plan to follow that improves your health and helps you achieve your goals.

After that we meet in follow-up consultations 1X/month. During these, in the first part, we talk about what went well, what you have managed to achieve and what you want to further improve. 

Then, in the second part, you also get a plan, keeping the points you need, eliminating the ones you do not anymore and get some extra advice to enable further development.

These last one hour. Of course, follow-up consultations are not compulsory, but they are very helpful. They can help monitor progress further improvement.

Costs and Prices

Initial consultation: 80£

Follow-up consultation: 40£


Treatment Options:

Crystal Healing


Crystal healing is one of the most effective ways of energy healing as crystals are able to concentrate and refine divine energy that can be used for healing purposes.

Crystals can help to purify the aura, purify and energize the chakras and organs, and therefore to harmonize the whole energy flow of the body. 

Crystals harmonise and heal the body and the soul. 

They can treat highly effectively the head, neck, back and the joints, contributing to their proper health and functioning. 

They can be used to purify energize and harmonize the digestive system, the cardiovascular system, the urinary system and the respiratory system, to promote the immune system and to reduce inflammation.

Crystals however can help us in the everyday life as well. 


They can purify, energize and harmonize water.

They can help to protect us and our environment (rooms, flats, houses, gardens...) and they can also help us to live a in a happier relationship and in abundance. 

If you need any help in the mentioned topics or in any other fields of your life don't hesitate to contact me!












Reiki is a clean, intelligent, divine healing energy.

Reiki can help us heal ourselves, people, animals and plants.

Reiki can help us live in harmony and in peace with the world and ourselves.

It is one of the simplest and most effective ways of energy healing.

It balances the whole body and soul.

It can be used for the treatment and complementary treatment of several psychic and systemic conditions.

It helps to sustain good health.


It dissolves daily stress.


It helps us to get better sleep.


It helps us to have more energy and balances the whole body and soul.

It aids digestion and the whole digestive system.


It promotes immunity, the immune system and the detoxification processes of the body.


It contributes to proper cardiovascular health and balances blood pressure.


It is effective at treating muscles and joints. It aids flexibility, movement and the proper health and functions of the muscles and joints.

It helps to initiate the self-healing process of the body.

We can feel ourselves more energetic.

It provides the body and soul with harmony.

If you need any help and support please don’t hesitate to contact me! 

Special Offer
(Enrollment Ends at The of November)

Nutrition Student Clinics


Get a discounted naturopathic nutritional initial and follow-up consultation together for only 40£.

You can attend clinic sessions in Brigthon and London.

These clinics are held by final year students and supervised by fully qualified practitioners. 

Ask your questions, get professional advice and improve your health and well-being now.

Get in touch today to discuss full details.

If you need the official leaflet of the college, send me an inquiry email and I will send it to you.

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